Here Are Some Tips for an Easier Daycare Drop-Off

Here Are Some Tips for an Easier Daycare Drop-Off

So you’ve finally found affordable childcare services in your area. The next challenge is dealing with the tears and tantrums when you drop off your little cutie.

Independent Toddler Childcare gets it. We see a couple of sniffles here and there among our new students in our daycare in New York. It’s not only the tiny tots that are turning on the waterworks, the parents too.

Early Childhood Education is a big change for little pumpkins and their parents. So we’re here to give a few tips on how to make drop-offs easier for both you and your child. Take a look:

For your child:

  • Bring something familiar like a toy or blanket. A reminder of your home will help make the first few days of your little treasure easier in his or her Childcare Center in New York, New York.
  • Create a consistent goodbye ritual. It could be a high-five, cuddles, or a kiss on the cheek. This tip applies to you, too, as it can prevent you from lingering by the door, making send-offs harder for you both.

For you:

  • Do your research. Always make sure that the daycare you’re sending your child to is reputable and has tons of positive reviews.
  • Pop in. It’s only natural for you to worry about how your child is doing at school. So don’t hesitate to make surprise visits!

If you need more tips about child care, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 212-598-0499.

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