Category Archives: Child Care

Helping Children Thrive Early On
The growing brain of a youngster is extremely capable. All of the neurons that are excited to form new connections are apparent in their curiosity and willingness to learn. Don't pass on this golden opportunity to discover your children's...
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Disciplining Your Child Without Spanking
Studies have shown that using physical pain as punishment affects a child’s development. For most parents, spanking may feel like the fastest and most effective way to discourage bad behavior, but it only works in the short term. So how can...
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Helping Your Child Manage Their Anger
Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. But children can struggle to tell between angry feelings or aggressive behavior. Your child’s frustration and anger can quickly turn into disrespect and aggression if left unaddressed. Our Daycare in New...
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Tips to Foster Creativity in Children
Creativity stems from open communication and imagination. Creative freedom is an essential aspect of early childhood education as it allows children to develop their communication and decision-making skills while encouraging independence. By...
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Waking Up Your Child the Right Way
Adults usually use their alarm clock to wake them up early in the morning. Sure, that can make them grumpy at times, but they know they need to be up to tackle their daily responsibilities and activities. However, it may be too early to get an...
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Reasons for Getting Your Child to Walk
Walking is a mode of transportation. When you walk, you get from point A to point B. Plus, walking can also become a great head start for your child's Early Childhood Education. As a Daycare in New York, we can list some reasons why...
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